Threat of Closure and Community Response

Save the Library!
1974 - In a story that is, sadly, continually resonant, the Jefferson Market Library was scheduled to close its door on November 18, 1974. The city was reeling from a fiscal crisis of a magnitude that it never before experienced. Abe Beame's administration imposed a $1.57 million budget cut which required the closing of Jefferson Market and two other branches. The libraries had been severely understaffed since a hiring freeze had taken place in 1971.
The Greenwich Village community responded with great speed and effectiveness. In the month following the announcement, with the support of Jefferson Market Branch Librarian Phil Gerrard, the community staged an active campaign to keep the library open. This included a massive letter-writing campaign, a nightly candlelight vigil and 'Save Our Libraries' rallies, including a children's protest. The will of the community prevailed, and the library remained open.