Mesoamerican Archaeology

About this Site

This web page was created as an assignment for LIS 650: Passive Website Architecture taught by Professor Thomas Krichel.

The purpose is to briefly introduce three archaeological sites located in Mesoamerica. Tikal, Teotihuacán, and Palenque were chosen because of thier importance in terms of archaeology in this region. But more importantly, because they are open to the public and visited by tourists from around the world, as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Having studied this geographic region as part of my undergraduate degree in Anthropology from Stony Brook University, I hope users are encouraged to learn about archaeology and the role it plays in different parts of the world.

And remember, you don't have to be an Archaeologist to get involved in archaeology! Many organizations, such as the Archaeological Institute of America, welcome public participation and provide terrific resources for education and hands-on activities in the field.

Last Updated: January 2007 by Christina Rivera

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