To: RadioShake Corporation

November 12, 2007

RadioShake Corporation
Riverfront Campus World Headquarters
300 RadioShake Circle
Fort Worth, Texas 76102-1964

RE: Store 01-2498, Specifically Your Employee Named Ronald

Dear Computer or Auto-filtering Device,

I have often seen academics pen abstruse papers about the effects of late-capitalism on both goods and services. After hours of study I am now accustom to reviews that have the benefit of being both accurate and unflattering. It is to those self-proclaimed scholars, however, that I commend your store, undivided from Ronald.

That I, in this day and age, can spend less than ten minutes of my fleeting time on earth walking into your place of business and purchasing a replacement for an importunate laptop cord is more than just exemplary--it is utterly breathtaking. In a world filled with clamant halfwits and self-satisfied sots, Ronald was, by contrast, both forthright and alert; both mindful of my time and unapologetically kind; both astonishingly well-informed and confoundingly humble.

It is not my place to comment on the disquieting and detestable lack of proficiency seen in the adolescents routinely hired by large corporations to act as their inapt ambassadors to the public. It is not my place to comment on the growing trend to automate all services so that those in search of help are forced to reckon with the cold, unthinking binary errors of a deficient programmer's refuse. It is my place to comment when I see those typical moulds broken instead of reinforced. In Ronald you have found your salvation--you will be receiving another letter if I find that he is being paid an incomplete amount for his especial efforts.

Skeptically yours,


Vincent Saint-Simon

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