Yup. This is your fearless leader after cleaning up, another glass of wine or two, and a smoke after he ran out to by some cigarettes after you all left. And yes, the alarm clock is set for 5:00 AM. I will be running down Madison tomorrow morning before you even come close to finishing your REM sleep. Penance. That's must be what it is. It's an I-was-raised-Catholic-but-I've-converted-Reform-and-I-honestly-don't-know-who-I-am kind of thing.

Yo, BIBLIOPHILES. Was it just me or did we have fun tonight?!?!!! (cheer and clap here) Well, it was good for me.  I hope that it was good for you too. Of course, you all did miss the absolutely magical City view that you can see if from my bed.  But then, but then...  Hey, this is me spicing up the narrative. Last month is a really hard act to follow. Must be that it was a better book.

A picture's worth a 1000 words. I wanted to do captions, but I just discovered that my %$*ing picture lab software license has expired, and renewing my update seems really onerous at this point in the evening.

So work with me. Print this and then go back to the photos included below. A picture's worth a 1000 words, and I'll try to give you a few words worthy of the pictures below.

1) This one's easy. My God, this is an angry guy. He must hate women, and all of you.

2) Like whoa! Who are these BEAUTIFUL babes? Julio, get their phone numbers. There are a couple of us who want to marry both of them.

3) And then a new face with some really good points on the book (Hilary --in the back--- Nancy, we know and love). But, it's late and I can't remember the title of the book. Tony Soprano, I love you.

4) Of course, what stands out in all of our minds after this evening is Laura and her special preference, Laura, our lovely, from-the-beginning-of-the-Book-Club, totally special, triathlete, petite, THERE-IS-NOTHING-BUT-MADONNA (over Ella Fitzgerald, really?), closet intellectual. Here's her pic, cropped and ready for distribution on www.i'lldomadonnaanytime.com.

But wait, one of your TOTALLY-FEALESS-ACTING-Leader's best friends was her was here tonight too. She helped chop up the bread and cheeses that you ate tonight. This is how we will always remember her.

And down at the bottom...

Ciao, Bibliophiles. A picture's worth a 1000 words. And here's what you all have been really waiting for, really men of the first order. Yes, we're completely sensitive, but if you understand male pattern baldness, you'll know that we're also completely driven by testosterone. Win the contract. Buy low. Sell high. Screw them all. We'll kill and eat your children.

Ciao again. Our little club has improved I think.



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