Greetings, book club!

It's odd to be writing a snappy, witty recap today. So for starters, let me paraphrase Kathryn's Magellan-like treatise from last night: While we are a smaller group than we were at this time last year, and perhaps less colorful, methinks we are all better friends and for that I am sincerely thankful.

Moving on, thanks to FL for use of his apartment and huge thanks to Nancy for her fabulous, delicious meal as well as for being the most organized person this book club has ever seen! She will be available for closet organization/kitchen storage consulting sessions if anyone is interested. Also, Nancy was the only person who actually liked this book. Luckily, book club is pretty spunky and will likely recover from the frustration and angst that was Prague. An informal survey suggests that this book received the lowest-ever book club ranking of 1.3, skewed upwards by Nancy's vote of 6.5. Kudos to those who had the good sense to not read, or even buy, the book!

Or if you're Nicole, you're especially crafty and join book club late enough that you 'don't have time' to acquire and read the book. Very clever, Nicole! We're on to you, though. Better hustle to a bookstore ASAP--and watch Horaticio near the carpets! Also, congratulations to Nicole as this month's 'favorite book club girl' as determined by a study of book club boys' wine induced flirting skills. Tom, we're going to have to send you to obedience school with the puppy--down, boy! Down!

Note: Sherry is taking "Advanced Polypathophysiopsychology" this semester. By the time she is finished, she should have the requisite skills to safely examine Scott's 'briefcase' and tell us what's in there once and for all. Until then, Scott, you'd better leave it at home--you never know what Drew will be up to next month.

As for next month, we will convene on October 22, 2002, at Ann's house to discuss John Steinbeck's "East of Eden". At 560 pages, this beast far exceeds Tom's page limit by 234 pages. However, in the spirit of discussion, Tom will not only read the entire book, he will also read the Old Testament (no page-shirking here!) to provide a qualitative and stylistic comparative analysis. Okay, Tom will actually hire an intern to do the job for him, but whatever it takes, right? Fear not, November's book promises to be shorter.

Fearless Sweetie needs to be a Fearless Hardass for one minute so that we may review the rules of book club:

Rule One: We RSVP!  (Chris S., this means you!)

Also, please note that book club is packed-like-a-suitcase FULL. Naturally, everyone wants to join our brilliant group (I certainly don't blame them) but if y'all could please send names and email addresses of interested friends/acquaintances to me, I will keep a first-come-first-in list of potential members and we can fill in as necessary. Cool?

Please notice how tricky FL was to pass off control of the recaps just when some enforcement has to take place. *sigh* Such is the life of FS.

Everyone, take care and be well. See you next month!

Fearless Sweetie

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