October BC Re-Cap

The re-cap duty has become a highly sought task.
All on the To: side of the email re-cap are reveling in the impending exploitation of others, while dreading mention of their own name.
All, sooner or later, it can be said with fair certainty will be dragged through the proverbial mud.

BC Veterans Scott and Drew reflected on the October meeting over lunch:
The better part of the meal was spent salivating, not over the food as much as the realized opportunity for revenge.
Brothers if you will, ready to do battle against brothers.
East of Eden positioned only as a backdrop.
"Now I know why they call classics classics," Tom said.

Most loved this novel so much because the characters, emotions, and observations are ones we know and experience everyday.
Matt broke our unanimity.
Cathy was too evil for him.
She scared the rest of us too, but most were compelled by Cathy as a vehicle for plot and character development.
Matt's classmate must have been frightened when he burst into his dorm room, grabbed his cliffnotes and ripped them to shreds.

Kathryn said she could relate to Cathy. She has known men to demonstrate comparable evil.
Kathryn also reported that she survived Bali and was on her way to Milwaukee.
From the exotic to the banal. Bombs in the tropics to beers in the Winominee Nation.
Kathryn, in your absence, you were nominated to organize the winter BC event. The date was set for December 17th.
In leu of this event, there will be no book discussed in December.

Some discussion was had about which character in the novel most resembled Chris (1).
We now have 2 guys named Chris. Chris (1) is the guy formerly known as Fearless Leader.
Anyway, it didn't take the group long to conclude that Chris (1) most resembles Charles.

Marlene and Sasha are new additions to the group. Welcome Marlene and Sasha!
The men last night could not keep their eyes off of Sasha or Marlene.
In the elevator it was learned that Sasha has a thing for middle aged balding guys with young children.
"Chris" (1) exclaimed all the guys in the elevator, "he gets all the action."

Where was neighbor __________ last night.
Being the object of all male desire at BC September, we anxiously anticipated her presence again this month.
Chris (1), have you claimed her all for yourself?

Hilary was silent all evening until the mention of Prague.
She sat up in her seat from a slouching position, lashing out at dissenters, touting the book as one of the greats.
Most others grumbled, arguing it is one of the worst on ourroster.

Next month is Breakfast at Tiffany's. Nancy glowed at its mention.
Is it Tiffany's or Audrey as Golightly -- they are both so lovely.
Nancy, please email the date and details for November.

Matt will host in January and the book will be An American Tragedy. Start reading now or you won't get through the 800 pages.
Try not to rent "A place in the Sun" until completing the book.

Tom has been banished to purgatory until he completes East of Eden

Laura didn't even buy the book according to her sister. For this she has been banished to the land of Nod.

We missed Mary last night.
Careful Mary. You risk being overshadowed by Ann.
Her smile and wit charmed the group, not to mention the brimming cups of wine and gourmet meal she served.

Until next time . . .

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