Greetings, Book Club!

A small but spirited book group gathered last night at the home of Chris/Spineless Reader. Apparently karmic justice has been done as host Matt phoned in at the 11th hour (maybe 9th or 10th) saying, "Chris, I cannot procure foodstuffs for tonight. I need you to take over." Making up for his previous abandonment of Book Club and his recent neglect of the Donkey D'Or, S.R. called for cheese, chicken, pasta, melon, and a tart. She didn't show, but a lovely dessert arrived in her place along with an abundance of wine! Spared from potential disaster, Book Club was in business. Thank heavens for Nancy, who arrived in time to determine how long dinner should reheat.

As for the book, "it's beast-a-licious!" Thank you, Hilary, for the new word and also for contributing your freshman English paper on the topic. Generally a popular read, Nate gave it an 8, including an extra 3 points for the bestiality. The discussion then turned to questions of violence, humor, and religion. What is funny? Why do we laugh at extreme violence? Was the book propaganda for the cult of Isis? Perhaps more importantly, have people, and human nature, changed since ancient times? Or are we still all savage beasts, just wrapped in better clothes?

The discussion moved to address "Lost in Translation" and if you haven't seen it, please do so immediately.

Where is the rest of Book Club? From the sound of it, in Westchester, reproducing. Congratulations to Tom and his little one, happily ensconced in suburbia! And best of luck to Jeanne who is on a full diet of bed rest until the Mini Yurmans arrive. You Northerners know what this means? More time in bed and on trains-more time to read! We'll anxiously await your comments on each selection.

For those of you who just can't get enough of snappy Hilary-isms, please see her blog at Rumor has Nate contributing in the near future.

New to Book Club will be our website, a joint effort between Hilary and Scott. Proving his worth, Scott gave a display of his typing skills. "Look, I'm tabbing!" We're all so proud, Scott, but you'll have to learn Excel to impress us. The website will include a list of Book Club members, perhaps with bios, books read, and other pertinent info, like when and where the next meeting will be and what the book is.

That said, the next meeting will be at S.R.'s hosted by either Scott or Matt on Monday, November 24. The book is TBA, but we have been promised short and paperback. Book Club is also open to new members at this time. Please invite friends if 1. you have any and 2. they're interested.

Happy reading!

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