Greetings, book club!

For the record, let me note that this recap is dedicated to Scott, who was discussed in detail last night. Scott Shorr, Student Body President, and Scott "Don't Stand So Close to Me" Shorr.

Well, for those of you who couldn't find Kokoro, didn't read it, or just didn't show up last night, trust me, you're sorry. We had a raucous, stimulating discussion that nearly came to blows at points and would have improved only if someone had knocked over a glass of wine as a gesture of sweeping dis/agreement. (Sorry, Chris, I really like your furniture.) And, after diligently taking notes through the entire thing, I have somehow lost them in the last 12 hours.

Remember how we thought that some new members would really stir things up, inspire discussion, and propel us with new ideas? We were right! Welcome to first-time book clubbers Ako, Kristy, Lucy, and Suzy, who were a veritable Cuisinart of opinions. In a reeling two-hour extravaganza, it was generally agreed that the book attempted to convey the changing of society between generations, specifically changing views of honor and responsibility. Was the book effective in expressing these ideas? Somewhere between a 2.5 and an 8 in ratings, so—maybe.

Thanks to Matt who provided last night's nourishment--sandwiches, salads, and homemade pie for dessert! Matt, you may be assigned to permanent dessert duty. And thanks to Ako who surprised us with a Japanese cake, undoubtedly the most beautifully packaged food I have ever seen.

Welcome to New York, Kristy and Lucy, you've found a book club so your residence is nearly complete. The Greenwich-ification of book club seems to have ceased after a flurry last month. No word yet on book club progeny, though the mini-Yurmans are expected within a month. Good luck, Jeanne! We'll give you a pass on the next book.

Also, rumor has that Hilary is ready to launch the book club website. When it's done, you'll find a list of past and current members, past readings (wow, there's a lot of crap in there!), and a complete compendium of past recaps. She'll let you know when its ready.

Okay, our next meeting will be Monday, January 12th, at Chris's home. The book will be "To the Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf. This one is available in all the usual outlets.

Happy holidays and Happy reading!

FS (Fearless Sweetie)

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