Thanks to Nate for writing . . .

Greetings fellow book clubbers,

Well, folks, turn out has hit a new low. Was it the book? Was it the time of year? We're not sure but we must point out three things. One, the book was universally loved by those in attendance, with the lowest rating coming in at 7.5. Two, Marlene's apartment is west of Second Avenue, so it is convenient to everything. Third, Marlene had yummy cupcakes but those who weren't there will never know it!

Attendees included Ann (fresh from her honeymoon), Nancy (who hated piano lessons as a child but is impressed by Alex Larson's skills), Mary (who was late due to school), Nate (who didn't finish the book but promises to), Scott (who is still sick), Matt (who once taught P&P at the College of Charleston), and the host, Marlene (who showed off her redecorating skills). Marlene provided an excellent meal from Patsy's and dessert from Crumb's. If you are on the Atkins diet, you have permission to have an extra helping of bacon to make up for all the carbs.

What can be said about "Pride and Prejudice"? Everyone loved the book. The most common word used to describe it was "witty" although someone called it "Page Six-y". Apparently looks make the woman because that's the only reason we could come up with why the father would marry the girls' mother. We also agreed that Brits with a little bit of money have far too much time on their hands. We briefly touched on the connection to 'Bridget Jones Diary' but the group's focus quickly turned to the cupcakes. (Did I mention how yummy they were?)

The next meeting will be held August 17th at Mary's apartment. Mary may or may not be in attendance due to finals but if she does put in appearance, be prepared to party since the 17th is her birthday! (The big three-oh people!) The book is Graham Greene's "The Quiet American", a fictional story with a political bent. Given the likely direction of the discussion, we ask in advance that everyone be considerate of each other's opinions. Additionally, since we'll be on Mary's deck, we also ask that people try to keep their voices down during what might be a heated discussion.

See you in August!

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