We met last night chez Anne to discuss Roth's American Pastoral. About eight were in attendance, including Tom, who is really back after a period of absence (more on this later). In sad contrast, we learned that Kathryn Ross (after an even longer absence) has asked to be taken off the list. Leb' wohl, Kathryn. Few will forget your baked goods.

Anne's place, it goes without saying, is cozy and tasteful, with a view of the river. She does have a bit less space than in her former apartment. On a per-inhabitant basis she has less than half the space, but she is not complaining. The victuals and spirits were also very nice, and were served on china. In a further touch of elegance, Scott and Nate showed up in suits; it's a pity that Nancy, Marlene and Anne did not think to wear gloves. No other occasion will be more propitious.

Despite the goad of a book partly about the impact of Viet Nam, and the Beatles' Abbey Road in the background, the group refrained almost completely from talking politics. Reviews of the Roth novel were mixed, with the average rating coming in somewhere around 5. The phrase "loose ends" was heard more than once.

We meet next on Sunday, 10/17, at Tom's place in Greenwich, Connecticut, to discuss Wharton's Age of Innocence. Can a trip to New Jersey be far behind? If you have not read the Wharton novel, it's high time; the age of innocence is not getting any younger, and neither are we.

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