
Louis Antonietti


Postgraduate Courses 60 credits in language arts, literature, and education

Masters of Arts, Secondary School Teacher of English
Lehman College, Bronx, New York

Bachelor of Arts, English
Manhattan College, Riverdale, New York

Teaching Experience

English Teacher, 1980-2005 (retired)
Nyack High School, Upper Nyack, New York
-Taught Advanced Placement English Literature, ninth grade honors
English, and senior electives in writing and literature.
-Taught all areas of language arts to students ranging from gifted to
learning disabled, grades 9 to 12.

English Teacher, 1974-1980
Nyack Junior High School, Nyack, New York
-Taught 7th and 8th grade English, honors and regents levels


Educator of Excellence Award (2001) from the New York State English
Counsel for "demonstrating exemplary teaching and leadership in English
Education." Thirty-three New York State high school English teachers were
recognized in 2001.
Who's Who Among America's Teachers (2005, 2000, 1997, 1984) This award is based on student recommendations.

Contact Louis Antonietti at (000) 000-0000 or ZZZZ@???.???

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