Wild Parrots in New York

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Wild Parrots are very adaptable and intelligent birds. Originally from South America, these birds made their way to the United States almost 40 years ago. Today, wild parrots have been spotted in at least fifteen U.S. states and have a high concentration in New York (Brooklyn and Long Island), New Jersey and Connecticut. How did they get here?

Wild parrots are also known as either Quaker Parrots or Monk Parakeets. These pigeon-sized birds were imported into the United States by the thousands in the 1960's. Since then, birds that were accidentally or deliberately released by owners and breeders have also established wild colonies in cities all over North America. More facts about Wild Parrots.

Over the past several years, there has been much debate over the inhumane treatment of these birds which threatens their ability to survive. Why are the wild parrots in danger? Neither a threat to the environment nor to other species, the fact is these beautiful birds have lived amongst us for quite some time and have proven themselves to be nothing other than a joy to behold. What do they look like?

The plight of the wild parrots has been reported worldwide by NPR, Newsday, The New York Times, The New York Daily News, The Connecticut Post, and even as far as London's Guardian newspaper.

Have you seen these birds in your area, or, perhaps have some news to share with your fellow parrot lovers? If so, feel free to post a comment on the Wild Parrots of New York blog. Or, should you have news to report, email me and I will be more than happy to post it to the blog on your behalf.

Links to wild parrot organizations, bird clubs, and sanctuaries

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