Essence of Reading Aloud

For us, listening to a good book is a sensual pleasure. You hear the characters' voices and they come alive. You can see the landscape and breathe in the atmosphere. The music of the prose or poetry soothes and delights. The story and the language transport you to a different place, amuse, move you or stir up thoughts and associations. Most children are attached to their bedtime story and will complain bitterly if deprived of it. The good night story not only gives pleasure, but re-enforces the bond between parent child. It takes the sting out of the loneliness of going to sleep. Reading with a group is an opportunity to connect with friends in a visceral way. There's that special moment, when two or three of us say "that was so beautiful,' or we all laugh or look puzzled and pause to discuss. When it's your turn to read, you get to try to speak in the character's or the author's voice. It's a rare opportunity to leave ourselves behind and to, for a moment, become actor.

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Here are some books we have read

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