About Us

Susan Connolly Susan Connolly—Principal, Brookhaven Elementary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam quam augue, ullamcorper a, lobortis sit amet, accumsan id, dolor. Donec eu felis. Sed porttitor dui non nunc. In libero. Cras wisi enim, faucibus eget, vulputate scelerisque, viverra nec, quam. Morbi at est id magna lacinia tempus. Ut velit eros, elementum in, tempus at, semper gravida, ante. Curabitur enim mauris, tincidunt non, malesuada eu, auctor a, quam. Duis porta malesuada nibh. Phasellus in purus. Nam ornare, risus sit amet facilisis tempus, orci ante scelerisque magna, eu hendrerit felis orci in enim. Duis odio. Donec quis pede. Nullam mattis nunc ac erat. Sed laoreet cursus neque.

Proin fermentum. Nulla rutrum magna id velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam ultrices purus at wisi adipiscing venenatis. Maecenas condimentum molestie lectus. Nunc tellus lacus, feugiat a, auctor ac, vulputate id, enim. Cras tellus. Nulla vel tellus. Sed posuere, turpis scelerisque tempus sodales, mauris orci rhoncus nunc, eu ullamcorper leo libero eget mauris. Morbi rutrum, lectus et egestas bibendum, eros lorem venenatis urna, vitae blandit mi magna at tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer ornare quam eu velit.

blank photo Julia Salembier—Reading First Building Coach, Brookhaven Elementary

Julia Salembier majored in Liberal Arts and received an Associate in Arts (AA) from Nassau Community College in 1996. She then attended SUNY College at Geneseo and majored in English and completed requirements for 7-12 certification. She received a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in 1998. She remained at Geneseo and completed her Masters degree in Reading (n-12) the following year.

After completing her education, she moved back to Long Island and taught kindergarten at St. Anne’s in Garden City. She has worked for the South Country School District for the past four years, as a Reading Specialist, at Frank P. Long Intermediate School.

Favorite Children’s Books: Little Women and Charlotte’s Web

blank photo Harriet Spilkevitz—Reading First Regional Coach, LIRSSC

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam quam augue, ullamcorper a, lobortis sit amet, accumsan id, dolor. Donec eu felis. Sed porttitor dui non nunc. In libero. Cras wisi enim, faucibus eget, vulputate scelerisque, viverra nec, quam. Morbi at est id magna lacinia tempus. Ut velit eros, elementum in, tempus at, semper gravida, ante. Curabitur enim mauris, tincidunt non, malesuada eu, auctor a, quam. Duis porta malesuada nibh. Phasellus in purus. Nam ornare, risus sit amet facilisis tempus, orci ante scelerisque magna, eu hendrerit felis orci in enim. Duis odio. Donec quis pede. Nullam mattis nunc ac erat. Sed laoreet cursus neque.

Proin fermentum. Nulla rutrum magna id velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam ultrices purus at wisi adipiscing venenatis. Maecenas condimentum molestie lectus. Nunc tellus lacus, feugiat a, auctor ac, vulputate id, enim. Cras tellus. Nulla vel tellus. Sed posuere, turpis scelerisque tempus sodales, mauris orci rhoncus nunc, eu ullamcorper leo libero eget mauris. Morbi rutrum, lectus et egestas bibendum, eros lorem venenatis urna, vitae blandit mi magna at tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer ornare quam eu velit.

Joanne Uyeno Joanne Uyeno—Assistant Principal, Brookhaven Elementary

Mrs. Uyeno has been a professional eductor in the district for over 20 years, having taught self contained special education classes, served as a resource room teacher, an inclusion teacher, as well as a general educator all at the primary school level. Her special education training and experience as a resource room teacher have afforded her the opportunity to hone her assessment skills and broaden her understanding of the needs of the children. Her own children have also attended district’s schools, providing her with a unique prospective of our community.

Favorite Children’s Author & Illustrator: Stephen Cosgrove & Robyn James

Beverley Wolcott Beverley Wolcott—Director of English Language Arts, K−12

Mrs. Wolcott, District Coordinator of ELA for the South Country CSD comes to this position with a background as a reading teacher in grades first through twelfth. Currently Mrs. Wolcott holds certifications in the areas of reading, elementary and administration. The certification she is most proud of is her National Board Certification in the area of Early Adolescent English Language Arts. National certification is an extensive process during which time a teacher demonstrates excellence in all areas of teaching and involvement in the school community.

Mrs. Wolcott received her undergraduate degree at SUNY Geneseo, her masters degree at Queens College and her administrative degree at SUNY Stony Brook.

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