

Home Grown

                Plentiful Garden

To promote both health and self reliance we encourage everyday people to take on the task of growing some form of consumable vegetation for themselves. We know the process is not an easy one but the rewards are more than worth it. Recently "our" friend Kathy told us about one of her home growing projects. In the past she toiled over trying to keep plants alive, many never made it to the edible stage. Her newest growing experiences have been with the assistance of the AeroGarden. This is a self contained system that takes out much of the guess work, spacial issues, and time restraints. Our research on the device found mainly favorable results althought some may find the Aerogarden and its many accessories to be out of their price range. In cases of expence we like to mention an alternative for home gardeners lacking space and funds. Supplies you will need:

Urban Grow Box

  • A standard 12X24 aquarium fish tank (clean/empty)
  • Tank top with a UV bulb (25 watts)
  • Potting soil- biodegradable egg cartons
  • Last but not least the seeds of your choice (I recommend tomatos, greens, or herbs)

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