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Current Pictures of the Paulson Family

The children and grandchildren of Norman and Rosemary Paulson have all become relatively happy and successful. The much beloved eldest sister, Christine, died in 1983, followed by Rosemary in 1986 and Norman in 2000. Of the remaining living descendants, Trudy lives in Galesburg, Illinois. Myles lives in Staten Island, New York. Helen lives in Helena, Montana. Norma lives in Denton, Texas.
Here are some recent pictures of Paulsons living throughout the United States.

Aulgur Christmas, 2008. Galesburg, Illinois.
Back row: Gordon, Alexander, Mark.
Front row: Elizabeth, Trudy (Paulson), Matthew.

Christmas, 2008. Galesburg, Illinois
Christine, Time, John Myles

Chad Aulgur and Family, Christmas 2008. Galesburg, Illinois.
Jill, Chad, baby Alexander.

Fahrenbachers Summer, 2007. Helena, Montana.
Norma, Gene.

Christmas, 2008. Austin, Texas.
Ben, Josephine (baby), Jennifer.

Christmas, 2007. Seattle, Washington
Heather, Helen, and Sam (Dodge).

Summer, 2007. Helena, Montana.
Helen, Heather, Sam (Dodge), Missy (Dodge).

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