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Historical Pictures of the Paulson Family

The Paulson genealogy can be traced back to Norway, and family rumor has it that the Paulsons immigrated to the United States before the American Revolution.
We were early immigrants to the Americas and have roots as pioneers in the West. Family members have lived west of the Mississippi River, primarily in South Dakota, since the late 19th century and A.D. Paulson (father of Norman Lee Paulson) was the first of our family to live in Montana, moving to Poplar in the spring of 1914.
Elizabeth Rosemary Paulson comes from an Irish Catholic family—the Collins’ of Donegal County Ireland, and the Costellos (originally MacCostello) of Mayo County. They settled first in Illinois. She and Norman met in Iowa when he was working as a salesman and she was a secretary for the W.A. Sheaffer Pen Company.
After marrying, Norman and Rosemary moved to Poplar, Montana, where Norman was a wheat rancher. The family spent the school-year in town and the summers on the ranch. After many years of draught in Montana, the family moved to Kingston, Arkansas where Norman worked as a salesman for a farm equipment supply company.
Historically, our family has lived at great distances from one another, making the reunion phenomenon an important part of staying connected.

Late 1800s, Iroquois South Dakota.
Back row: Nellie Irene Todd Paulson, Mytie May Todd Mary Boyd Todd.
Front row: Mary E. Hammond Baker, Mary Anne Baker Todd.

Wedding Photo, January 1940.
Left: Elizabeth Rosemary Paulson (Costello).
Right: Norman Lee Paulson

Paulson Christmas, 1950.
Miles 'Ted', Christine Marie, Mary Gertrude 'Trudy' and Helen Irene (baby).

Christmas, 1952.
Christine, Norma Lee (baby), Trudy, Miles, Helen.

Homecoming Queen, 1958.
Christine Marie Paulson.

Honeybee Queen, 1968.
Norma Paulson.

Family in Arkansas, 1975.
Norman, Rosemary, Dan, Christine (Spitzer), and Audrey Paulson.

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