Before You Begin

To Start

First you need to find a comfortable seat with adequate lighting. Read through the directions before you begin. Remember that this is an art form and you need to have patients as you practice the stitches. Relax and enjoy learning this new craft or just refresh your skills.

How To Hold The Hook

The Pencil

the pencil Hold the hook as you would a pencil. The middle finnger regulates the tension, while while the third and little finger regulate the flow of the yarn.

The Knife

the knife Hold the hook like you would a knife. Place your hand over the hook and grasp it between your thumb and index finger on either side of the flat portion with your middle finger resting against your thumb.

Use the opposite hand to control the yarn and hold the stitches as they are created.

Joining A New Ball Of Yarn

  1. Have 2 loops remaining on your hook.
  2. Draw the new yarn through the 2 loops leaving a tail of about 5" to 6" from the end.
  3. Cut the originail
  4. Continue working with the new ball of yarn.
  5. Using a blunt needle, weave in both tails of both balls of yarn to secure.

This method is also used when joining a new color of yarn.

© 2008 Patricia Mohn.  This page was last updated October 16, 2008

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