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click to enlarge-body's energy flow channels and energy centers
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Yoga dates back to over 5000 years. Several seals discovered from Indus Valley civilization show figures in yoga like postures. Yoga means union, union of individual conciousness (Jivatman) with Universal Conciousness (Paramatman). Yoga refers to a certain state of consciousness as well as to methods that help one reach that goal or state of union with the divine. There are many forms of yoga that use techniques to reach this state of conciousness. The science of Yoga is vast. Over 2,000 years ago sage physician Patanjali wrote Yoga Sutras, this is the fundamental text book about yoga. Yoga can help cultivate body, mind and spirituality. There are four main paths of yoga, Karma Yoga,  Bhakti Yoga,  Jnana Yoga,  Raja Yoga.  Ultimately all these four paths lead to the same destination, the union.

In the above picture, three main nadis (astral tubes) are shown, they are invisible to the naked eye, through these nadis, vital force (Prana) flows. Kundalini (energy) in the form of a coiled serpent resides at the base of the spine called Mooladhara chakra (energy center). When Kundalini is awakened through different forms of yoga, it travels upwards through other chakras to the top most Sahastrara chakra; when this happens Yogi loses his individuality and becomes one with the universal conciousness.

Patanjali's eight limbs of Yoga.

In recent times, based on Swami Dr. Sivananda's teachings, his pupil summarizes this vast knowledge into five essential points.

  1. Proper Exercise
  2. Proper Breathing
  3. Proper Relaxation
  4. Proper Diet
  5. Positive Thinking & Meditation

Proper Exercise (Asanas)

Our physical body is meant to move and exercise. If our lifestyle does not provide natural motion of muscles and joints, then disease and great discomfort will ensue with time. Proper exercise should be pleasant to the practitioner while beneficial to the body, mind and spiritual life.

Proper Breathing (Pranayama)

Yoga teaches us how to use the lungs to their maximum capacity and how to control the breath. Proper breathing should be deep, slow and rhythmical. This increases vitality and mental clarity.

Proper Relaxation (Savasana)

Rishis (sages or seers) and Yogis of yore devised very powerful techniques of deep relaxation. As a matter of fact, many modern stress-management and relaxation methods borrow heavily from this tradition. By relaxing deeply all the muscles the Yogi can thoroughly rejuvenate his nervous system and attain a deep sense of inner peace.

Proper Diet (Vegetarian)

Besides being responsible for building our physical body, the foods we eat profoundly affect our mind. For maximum body-mind efficiency and complete spiritual awareness, Yoga advocates a lacto-vegetarian diet. This is an integral part of the Yogic lifestyle.

Positive Thinking & Meditation (Dhyana)

Here is the most important point of all, we become what we think. Thus we should exert to entertain positive and creative thoughts as these will contribute to vibrant health and a peaceful, joyful mind. A positive outlook on life can be developed by learning and practicing the teachings of the philosophy of Vedanta. The mind will be brought under perfect control by regular practice of meditation.

Four Paths of Yoga

Karma Yoga

The Yoga of Action It is the path chosen primarily by those of an outgoing nature. It purifies the heart by teaching you to act selflessly, without thought of gain or reward. By detaching yourself from the fruits of your actions and offering them up to God, you learn to sublimate the ego. To achieve this, it is helpful to keep your mind focused by repeating a mantra while engaged in any activity.

Bhakti Yoga

The Path of Devotion or Divine Love This path appeals particularly to those of an emotional nature. The Bhakti Yogi is motivated chiefly by the power of love and sees God as the embodiment of love. Through prayer, worship and ritual he surrenders himself to God, channelling and transmuting his emotions into unconditional love or devotion. Chanting or singing the praises of God form a substantial part of Bhakti Yoga. Chanting is call and reponse. A lead singer sings Mantras (sacred word compositions when uttered they create vibrations), participants repeat the mantras over and over, this induces a translike effect that is a form of deep meditation. Here is a sample of Krishna Das chanting.

Jnana Yoga

The Yoga of Knowledge or Wisdom This is the most difficult path, requiring tremendous strength of will and intellect. Taking the philosophy of Vedanta the Jnana Yogi uses his mind to inquire into its own nature. We perceive the space inside and outside a glass as different, just as we see ourselves as separate from God. Jnana Yoga leads the devotee to experience his unity with God directly by breaking the glass, dissolving the veils of ignorance. Before practicing Jnana Yoga, the aspirant needs to have integrated the lessons of the other yogic paths - for without selflessness and love of God, strength of body and mind, the search for self-realization can become mere idle speculation.

Raja Yoga

The Science of Physical and Mental Control Often called the "royal road" it offers a comprehensive method for controlling the waves of thought by turning our mental and physical energy into spiritual energy. Raja Yoga is also called Ahtanga Yoga referring to the eight limbs leading to absolute mental control. The chief practice of Raja Yoga is meditation. It also includes all other methods which helps one to control body, energy, senses and mind. The Hatha-Yogi u ses Relaxation and other practices such as Yamas, Niyamas, Mudras, Bandhas etc.. to gain control of the physical body and the subtle life force called Prana. When body and energy are under control meditation comes naturally.

Yoga Pathfinder

If you are interested in exploring deeper into the science of Yoga, Yoga Pathfinder provides list of sources of various categories. These source lists connect you to non profit yoga centers that were established by masters of yoga all over the world, books they wrote, ashrams where you can stay and learn yoga or become a yoga instructor, listen and participate in musical form of meditation called kirtan.