Student Email List

KIOSK Student Email List

One of the most useful and valuable tools for you as a Palmer student is our school email list, KIOSK. If you are not subscribed to this listserv, PLEASE DO SO! We use this list to post information about classes, such as rooms, texts, and cancellations; to post job notices, which appear on a daily basis; as a forum for students to discuss professional topics; and a place to share useful articles, Web sites and other information. This list is a critical tool in disseminating information quickly, such as last-minute cancellations (i.e. if a professor is ill) so it is extremely beneficial to you to join now!

To subscribe to KIOSK go to:


List Etiquette

All contributors to KIOSK are asked to follow the etiquette guidelines below to assure that messages on the list are clear, concise, and appropriate. These are widely-accepted "netiquette" practices and most listservs have them in place.

Subject matter: This listserv is designed as a forum for discussing ideas and events in the broad realm of library and information science as well as a means for students, faculty, and administrators to share Palmer School information.
      *Please try to be brief and concise.
      *It is appropriate to discuss controversial library and information science topics on KIOSK but it is not appropriate to "get personal" when initiating or participating in a discussion.
      *Do not include personal comments or rude or insulting remarks.
      *Put an informative phrase in the subject line. Readers should be able to determine what your message is about from this subject header.

Identification: Messages to the list should be signed with your full name and email address in the body of the message. Sender names and addresses are often not preserved in the message header when they are posted. Many mail programs have an "auto-signature" feature that lets you write your name, email address and any other contact information you want to include just once and the program will then place this at the end of every mail message you send. It is not appropriate to write anonymously.

Attachments: Many mail programs do not handle file attachments well. Please do not send attachments to the list but rather put all material in the body of the message so that everyone on the list can read it.
