
Castor Oil Packs

Castor Oil is derived from the castor bean, long known as a cathartic or strong laxative. Today, it is no longer recommended as a laxative, but the castor oil pack has many uses.

Castor oil appears to have the unique ability to sink transdermally (through the skin) to relax smooth muscle. A castor oil pack is placed on the skin to improve circulation and to promote elimination and healing of the tissues underneath the skin. It is often used to stimulate the liver, relieve pain, increase lymphatic circulation, reduce imflammation and improve digestion.


Do not use heated castor oil pack for uterine growths, cancer tumors, or ulcers. Don't use if you are pregnant, breast feeding, or menstruating. Do not apply over broken skin.

Castor Oil Pack Components

Preparing a Castor Oil Pack

  1. Fold flannel into three thicknesses to fot over your whole abdomen.
  2. Cut a piece of plastic 1-2 inches larger than flannel.
  3. Saturate the flannel with gently heated oil, but notso much that it is drippy. Fold it over and squeeze until it is oozing. Unfold.
  4. Place plastic and old towel over flannel to prevent staining of surface you will be lying on.
  5. Lie down, placing flannel over abdomen, putting fitted plastic over the flannel.
  6. Now wrap the towel under you, around your torso and pin with safety pins.
  7. Place a heating pad (low heat) or hot water bottle on top of the towel.
  8. Rest for 30-60 minutes. Use visualization, meditation, or just sleep. A good time to use castor oil packs is just before bedtime.

After using the pack, you can wash the treated area with a solution of three tablespoons baking soda to one quart of water to remove the oil. Put the wool or cotton flannel into a baggie and put in fridge. This pack can be used until it begins to smell stale.

Frequency of Use

To be effective, a castor oil pack needs to be used at least three times a week, although 5 times a week is better. Use as needed for episodes of pain.

It is wise to consult with a naturopathic physician for the best frequency of treatment for your specific health problem.

Designed (with great difficulty and lots of help) by Annie S. Kyrkostas. Last updated 15 October 2005.

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