
Headache Relief

One of the most common complaints that a human head has, is that it aches. Theo believes that most headaches are caused by diet and stress and that simple hand reflexology can cure the every day headache.

Take a look at the chart below and look closely at the area around the thumb. The chart calls this the Thinking and Head, Headaches area.

hand reflexology chart

Massage the webbing between the thumb and index finger of your left hand with the the thumb and index finger of your right hand. Use a circular motion with the thumb on the top of your hand. It may feel tight and even a bit sore. Continue the circular massage into the webbing of the hand for two minutes. Be sure to touch the sides of the metacarpal bones of the index finger and thumb.


No matter where the headache is located, be sure to do both hands for two minutes.

This technique may seem too simple to bring real relief, but it's been around for 5000 years! Try it!

Designed (with great difficulty and lots of help) by Annie S. Kyrkostas. Last updated 15 October 2005.

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