Bobst Classroom Policies and Information

Classrooms in the Avery Fisher Center (AFC)

The AFC is located on the 2nd floor of Bobst Library. This is an audio-visual resource center and language lab with classrooms.

The Palmer School has the use of three rooms, the West, the East, and Seminar Rooms, during specific evening and weekend hours.

Please do not go into the AFC until 10 minutes before your class begins. The room will not be open for you and students must not gather in the central area of the AFC. It looks like a waiting room but it is a language lab where students are doing work. You may use the front room of the Palmer office, located in Room 707 on the 7th floor, as a student lounge. To get into the office, at any time Bobst Library is open, press 5, 3, 1 on the button lock on the door.

Student access to AFC resources: The computers in the AFC classrooms are for instructors to use during class. Students may not check their email or search Bobst databases from them. Palmer School students have access to computers in the ERC lab for checking email, going on the Internet, and database searching (see below). Public access terminals on the 1st, 6th, and 9th floors also provide access to the databases and Internet.

Classrooms in the Electronic Resources Center (ERC)

Lab-based courses will be taught in the ERC on the B floor of Bobst. This room also serves as the student computer lab for individual use when classes are not being held there. You can pick up a schedule indicating when the lab is open for use from the front desk in the ERC.

You can use all of the library's Web-based databases, access the Internet, and check your mail from the ERC lab.

Student access to ERC resources: You need to have an ERC account to use the computers in the lab. Go to the front desk in the ERC and request an account. You will need to show your current Bobst library/access card.

Guidelines for both Classroom Areas

Classrooms in both the AFC and ERC are heavily used by the Palmer School and by NYU. Please do not go to either one until 10 minutes before the start of your class. Along with the Palmer office on the 7th floor, there is a student lounge area on the B floor outside the ERC.

Eating and drinking are not permitted in the AFC and ERC. Please do not bring food or drink into either area.

Thank you for abiding by the above policies.
