How To Begin

To start any project the first thing you need to do is get your yarn on to the hook. This is done by creationg a slip knot.

Slip Knot

  1. First pull the yarn strand from the center of the ball.
  2. Lay the yarn down in a straight line
  3. Fold the yarn over to ceate a loop, leaving about 5" to 6" from the end (the tail).
  4. Fold the yarn over once again, making a pretzel shape.
  5. Lift up the center yarn and pull up, while you hold the remainder of the yarn.
  6. Insert your hook into the loop you have created.
  7. Gently pull the tail yarn to tighten the loop around the hook.

Remember - the slip knot does not count as a stitch.

© 2008 Patricia Mohn.  This page was last updated October 16, 2008

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